Ridge Green 01793 874894
Freshbrook 01793 870494
Test Results 01793 874894 (after 11am)


Are you a Carer or does someone care for you? Telling the Doctor, Nurse, Health Visitor, District Nurse, Counsellor etc can help them to support you. If you prefer, tell the Reception Staff, they can inform the Health Professionals for you.

You may be caring for someone already, regularly helping with every day tasks or giving the support they need to stay in their own home. You may see it as part of your life, or duty to care for your Mum, Dad, partner, child or friend, but there may be times when some extra help is needed.

Your GP needs to know so you can be offered the right information, support and access to services. GP surgeries have to compile information for the government about the numbers of carers attached to the surgery so your information will help them to do this.

Please complete the form below and return it to the surgery as soon as possible.

  • Carer details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Details of Person Being Cared For

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

There is more information about help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability on the NHS website.

Swindon Carers Centre – Click here to go to their website

NHS Swindon Carers Support – Click here to go to their website


Date published: 15th November, 2017
Date last updated: 7th June, 2021